09/2011 - Crematorium.eu News about crematoria in Europe - www.crematorium.eu informs about crematoria in Europe- Krematorium.eu- crematorio.eu, find a crematorium

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I WISH to convey to you all my utter dismay at the proposed crematorium. My first objection is because we have been waiting for a promised country park for many years. Rugby continues to expand as more and more housing estates are shoehorned into every available plot. Large houses are bought and bulldozed to make way for mini housing estates, yet we still do not have any recreational facilities such as those at Daventry and Coombe Abbey. My second objection is it is far to close to housing - not the sort of thing you want to look at when walking around the footpaths.
Rugby and Lutterworth Observer | 9/9/2011
A CREMATORIUM is to broadcast its funerals live across the internet as part of a pay-per-view service for mourners. Coychurch Crematorium will also sell video and audio recordings of funerals for family and friends to relive their loved one’s final journey. But some church leaders have criticised the plans, saying it cheapens the funeral service and exploits vulnerable families. The Rev Geoffrey Fewkes, of Hope Baptist Church, said: “It’s a joke – grief is very personal and the expression of grief is very personal. I think to broadcast it on the internet shows a lack of concern for the individual.”
Wales Online | 9/9/2011
Begraafplaats & Crematorium Westerveld te Driehuis houdt op 10 september een Open Dag. Iedereen is tussen 10.30 en 15.30 uur van harte welkom. Westerveld is tijdens de Open Dag tevens gastheer van de landelijke jurydag voor de International Funeral Awards (IFA). De IFA reikt jaarlijks prijzen uit voor de meest vernieuwende initiatieven binnen de uitvaartbranche. De combinatie van een Open Dag én een jurydag betekent voor bezoekers een uitstekende kans om zich niet alleen te laten voorlichten over de mogelijkheden van Westerveld, maar ook om kennis te maken met opvallende ontwikkelingen.
Doodgewoon | 8/9/2011
"Non si era mai visto indire a priori da parte della sola Cgil uno sciopero generale contro una manovra economica del governo, della quale non erano ancora noti i contenuti, ma quello che è successo a Brisighella ha qualcosa di surreale. Infatti, un nostro concittadino Agostino Calamini, deceduto per un incidente sul lavoro, dopo le esequie religiose regolarmente celebrate, non ha avuto accesso al crematorio di Faenza, in quanto "Chiuso per sciopero". A parlare è Vincenzo Galassini, presidente del Gruppo FI-Pdl della Provincia di Ravenna.
Faenzanotizie.it | 7/9/2011
Nell’ambito degli oltre 35 milioni di euro che l’amministrazione comunale sta impegnando nel piano triennale delle opere pubbliche, trova spazio anche il proseguimento dell’ambizioso piano cimiteriale che vede proseguire gli interventi sulle strutture del territorio anche per tutto il 2011 e 2012 in collaborazione con Gesam. Saranno infatti attuati progetti operativi complessivamente per oltre 7 milioni di euro, che daranno luogo entro il presente mandato ai lavori previsti su cimiteri periferici per oltre 2 milioni di euro, ai lavori previsti sulle arcate del cimitero urbano per altri 2 milioni e mezzo e nel 2012 alla creazione di un forno crematorio al cimitero urbano di Lucca.
Gazetta di Lucca | 7/9/2011
MOURNERS will be better protected from the elements under plans to improve Sunderland Crematorium. Civic centre bosses have applied for planning permission to erect a canopy at the front entrance of the building, in Bishopwearmouth Cemetery. Chester Road. Sunderland City Council’s city services department said the canopy is essential to provide “adequate protection” from the weather. The planning report, due to go before councillors, reads: “It is tradition for the attendees of the funeral ceremony to wait outside the premises for the funeral cortege and mourners.
Sunderland Echo | 7/9/2011
A NEW multi-million pound crematorium is being proposed for the outskirts of Havant. The Southern Co-operative is proposing to build the state-of-the-art facility off Bartons Road to take the strain off Portchester Crematorium – the busiest crematorium in England. The new building would measure about 4,200 sq ft, include an environmentally-friendly green roof, and be surrounded by a tranquil memorial garden, a wildflower meadow and a copse for mourners to plant trees for loved ones.
Portsmouth | 7/9/2011
CALDERDALE is home to two of the oldest council workers in the country. They are Selwyn Crabtree, who is 89, and his friend, Ted Johnson, who is mere 88. Both have been employed by Calderdale Council since they were recruited to play the newly installed electric organ at Park Wood Crematorium, in Elland, nearly 25 years ago. They are each on duty for one day every week and can play for as many as six or seven services.
Halifax Courier | 6/9/2011
A BURTON mourner said he was left disgusted after workers repairing Bretby Crematorium’s car park shouted at each other during a funeral. Work has already started on revamping the car park at the Geary Lane site after it was controversially bought by Midland Co-operative Society in April for £7.6million. The deal also includes a financial investment of £250,000 by the Co-op to improve the facilities available at the crematorium. Improvements to the car park are first on the list — which has brought anger to those paying their last respects.
Burton Mail | 6/9/2011
Het vijfde crematorium in Fryslân komt bij Marsum. Faber uitvaartzorg uit Wommels heeft horecabedrijf Nij Andringastate gekocht om er een uitvaartcentrum van te maken, met crematorium. Het uitvaartcentrum wil de crematie persoonlijker maken. Jan Klaas Faber van het uitvaartbedrijf: ,,De ene stoet moet de andere niet opvolgen.” Faber wil het aantal crematies op twee per dag houden. ,,In veel crematoria is het na de aula even drie kwartier rouwen in de koffiekamer en dan sta je alweer buiten. Wij willen meer bieden dan dat. De diensten mogen langer, er komen loungebanken en een videomuur waarop foto’s van de overledene kunnen worden getoond. Het moet ontspannen zijn, mensen moeten goed afscheid kunnen nemen.”
Friesch Dagblad | 3/9/2011
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