03/2011 - Crematorium.eu News about crematoria in Europe - www.crematorium.eu informs about crematoria in Europe- Krematorium.eu- crematorio.eu, find a crematorium

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own hall chiefs have insisted that Midlands Co-op will not be able to ‘monopolise’ funeral services if it is allowed to buy Bretby Crematorium. East Staffordshire Borough Council bosses spoke after a counter-claim was made by John Hylton, boss of the funeral business bearing his name, Sue Barke, his counterpart at Murray’s, and Charles Cowling, of the Good Funeral Guide.
Burton Mail | 23/3/2011
Die Feuerbestattungsanlage auf dem Parkfriedhof Junkerberg, Heinrich-A.-Zachariä-Bogen 12, darf sich in Zukunft "Kontrolliertes Krematorium" nennen. Der Arbeitskreis kommunaler Krematorien beim deutschen Städtetag verlieh der Göttinger Anlage das entsprechende Siegel, das Stadtbaurat Thomas Dienberg am Dienstag, 5. April 2011, um 14.30 Uhr in Form einer Tafel anmontieren und vorstellen wird.
ADEL | 18/3/2011
Aufgrund der rückläufigen Einäscherungszahlen in den letzten Jahren und der damit verbundenen sinkenden Einnahmen, war eine Kostendeckung im Krematoriumsbetrieb nicht mehr möglich. Nach der Kontaktaufnahme zu vier privaten Krematorien haben zwei ein Angebot abgegeben und der Stadtrat hat in nichtöffentlicher Sitzung den neuen Betreiber, die Feuerbestattung Hohenburg, beschlossen.
Selb Live | 18/3/2011
MOURNERS at Cornwall's main crematorium will be distracted from paying their last respects to loved ones if a giant wind turbine is allowed near the site. The concerns have been expressed by Dignity Funerals, owners of the Glynn Valley Crematorium. The company is objecting to a 250ft high turbine planned for Callywith Farm on the outskirts of Bodmin. Agricultural firm Dingle Brothers wants the turbine to power their liquid waste recycling facility. The proposal is due to be discussed by a Cornwall Council planning committee tomorrow evening, but there have been objections that the structure will ruin a sensitive area.
This is Cornwall | 18/3/2011
Cremations are on the rise. With the average cost of a full-body burial at $6,560, according to the Brookfield, Wis.-based National Funeral Directors Association, some consumers have gone shopping for deals on how to lay their loved ones to rest more cheaply in these tough economic times. Cremations, which can range anywhere from under $600 to $2,400, have caught on. "The economy is playing into it," said Scott Pennington, general manager of Alhiser-Comer Mortuary in Escondido. "Our cremation rate was about 45 percent in 2009, but it's probably creeping closer to 50 percent."
MC Times | 18/3/2011
Bürgerinitiative 2 will aber jeden Donnerstag vor dem Kissinger Rathaus präsent bleiben. Derweil wachsen beim Neubau im Lechfeld schon die Wände hoch. Kissing Heute Abend tagt der Bauausschuss im Kissinger Rathaus. Auch wenn für diesmal keine Demonstration angesagt ist: Ganz unbehelligt werden die Ausschussmitglieder nicht in den Sitzungssaal gelangen. Denn die Bürgerinitiative 2 gegen den Bau des Krematoriums (BI2) hat in Zusammenarbeit mit dem neu gegründeten Verein Lebensraum Kissing beschlossen, künftig Mahnwachen abzuhalten, um auf ihren Protest hinzuweisen.
Augsburger Allgemeine | 18/3/2011
En el pasado pleno del mes de marzo, el PSOE de Utrera preguntó por el estado en el que se encuentra el horno crematorio municipal que no funciona desde esa misma semana. La respuesta del alcalde fue una callada y la persistencia de la situación, el PSOE de Utrera no tiene más remedio que hacer pública esta denuncia trasladada por varias familias de Utrera.
Lavoz de Utrera | 18/3/2011
ALTRINCHAM Crematorium and Dunham Lawn Cemetery will be closed for essential maintenance on Saturday. The grounds will be closed to visitors all day on Saturday March 19 while essential repair work to the access and internal roads are be carried out. Work will also be carried out on the Gardens of Remembrance paths.
ADEL | 18/3/2011
Un ordine del giorno presentato dal consigliere santalbinese Simone Villa (Lega Nord) mette a repentaglio il progetto regionale del forno crematorio. La “scissione”, capeggiata dalla Lega, fa cadere l’alleanza Lega-Pdl che sostiene il sindaco Mariani. Questo è accaduto lunedì scorso proprio mentre si teneva l’assemblea del comitato spontaneo contro il forno che si è costituito a S. Albino. L’obiettivo è il ritorno al programma originale, ovvero un forno crematorio al servizio della sola provincia di Monza e Brianza.
MB News | 16/3/2011
A petittion designed to prevent the privatisation of Bretby Crematorium is likely to attract 3,300 signatures, one of its organisers has predicted. Kevin Richards, leader of the opposition Labour group on South Derbyshire District Council, said the total will have been realised despite less than a full day’s campaigning. “I think we will hit 3,300 signatures, which is not bad saying all we’ve done is collect petitions over a 23-hour period,” he said. “The response has been absolutely phenomenal.
Burton Mail | 16/3/2011
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