03/2011 - Crematorium.eu News about crematoria in Europe - www.crematorium.eu informs about crematoria in Europe- Krematorium.eu- crematorio.eu, find a crematorium

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A £2.6m upgrade of Durham Crematorium is due to start. The 50-year-old crematorium will soon have a new car park and improved road access at the site. New machines will be installed in 2012 which will recycle energy to help heat the building. The crematorium, which holds 2,000 services a year, will be open as usual while the work is carried out. The project is being delivered by Durham County Council with Spennymoor Town Council. The upgrade will include the installation of more environmental cremators.
BBC | 28/3/2011
Power used at a crematorium could be offset by building a £70,000 wind turbine more than twice the height of a family home. Middlesbrough Council wants to put an 18.5m (60ft) mast on land next to Teesside Crematorium in Acklam. But the turbine’s overall height would be 25m (82ft) when its blades are factored in. If plans are approved, the turbine would feed into the national grid to offset energy used by the site and the council would be reimbursed for any power it produces. The system would cost the council £70,000, although it is estimated that the sum would be recouped within eight years. But the reaction to the scheme from residents was mixed.
Gazette | 28/3/2011
PEOPLE from all faiths will soon have a new venue where they can say a final goodbye to loved ones. The new £6.2 million Oak Chapel at Crownhill Crematorium is fast taking shape ahead of its projected June opening. The building is now fully watertight and the internal finishes are taking place with specialist glass units for the stained glass windows to be installed in April. Cabinet member with responsibility for the Crematorium, Mike Galloway, said: “I look forward to the opening of this important new multi-faith facility which incorporates a number of innovative environmental benefits.”
Milton keynes | 25/3/2011
La escasez de combustible ha obligado a enterrar en fosas comunes a los más de 9.000 fallecidos JAPÓN es uno de los países del mundo que más práctica las cremaciones, con un porcentaje del 98,7% del total de fallecimientos, frente al 1,3% que se declina por las inhumaciones, pero en los próximos meses estas cifras se verán alteradas.
Deia | 25/3/2011
ZUTPHEN - In één keer zijn twee nieuwe uitgaven verschenen in de reeks ’Zutphense Archeologische Publicaties’. De geschriften doen verslag van het onderzoek naar elf eeuwen historie in en onder de Rode Torenstraat 51 en van het terrein aan de Voorsterallee waar later dit jaar een crematorium van start gaat.
de weekkrant | 24/3/2011
El cementerio de Montjuïc ha instalado un parque de energía solar fotovoltaica de 700 metros cuadrados que generará 136.000 kilovatios por hora, el equivalente al 34% de la energía que necesita el cementerio y el crematorio, y lo suficiente para abastecer a 46 familias. La energía producida por las placas, situadas sobre ocho bloques de nichos, se evacuará a la red de distribución una vez la instalación entre en funcionamiento, y reducirá en 135 toneladas las emisiones de CO2 a la atmósfera.
Europa Press | 24/3/2011
Relatives wept and soldiers saluted as dozens of tsunami victims in simple wooden coffins were buried in a mass grave in a city in northeast Japan overwhelmed by death. With makeshift morgues close to overflowing and crematoriums unable to keep pace with the numbers of bodies, the Japanese authorities have taken the drastic step of using mass burial sites as temporary resting places.
Herald Sun | 24/3/2011
Unas trescientas personas, en su mayoría residentes ingleses, se manifestaron ayer contra la instalación del Tanatorio Crematorio Regional en la zona del Alamillo- Alcolar de Puerto de Mazarrón. Los manifestantes corearon gritos de “No al tanatorio “, “Que el Ayuntamiento le ponga zona azul a la empresa promotora”, y portaban pancartas en varios idiomas.
ADEL | 23/3/2011
In Utrecht heeft een man enige tijd ingesloten gezeten in een verlaten crematorium Daelwijck. De man had vergaderd en toen hij donderdagavond het gebouw wilde verlaten, bleek dat iemand alle deuren had afgesloten. Hij was alleen in het donkere crematorium en kon er niet meer uit. Na een telefoontje met 1-1-2 zorgde de politie ervoor dat de man bevrijd werd en alsnog naar huis kon.
RTV Utrecht | 23/3/2011
Oberbürgermeisterin Charlotte Britz (SPD) und Völklingens Oberbürgermeister Klaus Lorig (CDU) wollen enger zusammenarbeiten und prüfen, die beiden Krematorien zusammenzulegen. Eine Machbarkeitsstudie soll die Möglichkeiten einer Zusammenarbeit klären. Das hat der Werksausschuss des Friedhofs- und Bestattungsbetriebes der Stadt Saarbrücken beschlossen.
Saarbrücker Zeitung | 23/3/2011
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