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Tragic Nellie Geraghty will be laid to rest on Wednesday – without the ashes of her beloved husband. Hundreds of people are expected to line the streets as the funeral of the 79-year-old widow takes place. Nellie died after being mugged in a Shaw alleyway on November 24. She was clutching the handle of her missing handbag which contained the ashes of her husband Frank.
Manchester Evening News | 21/12/2011
It appears several Paphos mayor candidates considered that the Church is opposed to a crematorium for Cyprus, but both the Archbishop and the Bishop of Paphos have told me they believe it is a matter of individual choice - and neither would stand in its way. The stumbling bock is unquestionably Central Government where, for several years, various Ministries have assured me the legal framework is “imminent” but almost a decade has passed with nothing emerging. However, a few months ago Law Commissioner Leda Koursoumba wrote to me saying legislation would be drafted in respect of funeral parlours, embalming, and crematoria before the end of this year.
Cyprus Mail | 20/12/2011
De gemeenteraad van Lingewaard heeft ingestemd met de startnotitie crematorium. Daardoor is een kleinschalig crematorium – tot 800 crematies per jaar– mogelijk. Met dat besluit is de weg vrij gemaakt voor uitvaartondernemers om met een plan te komen. In principe mag overal in Lingewaard gebouwd worden, al zijn er wel voorwaarden. Er moet een eigen parkeerterrein bij het crematorium zijn en de afwikkeling van de verkeersstromen moet goed kunnen worden geregeld.
de Gelderlander | 20/12/2011
Het was gistermiddag druk in het compleet vernieuwde crematorium Zoomstede. Tijdens de open middag kon iedereen zien wat er na de grote verbouwing allemaal veranderd was. Vooral de grote, compleet nieuwe aula, maakte veel indruk. Met zevenhonderd zitplaatsen en met ondersteuning van een video- en tv-systeem kunnen daar volgens een voorlichter ruim duizend mensen een rouwdienst bijwonen. "Dit lijkt wel een theater, misschien kan deze ruimte ook voor andere doeleinden gebruikt worden", merkte een bezoeker op.
BN de Stem | 20/12/2011
FUNERAL directors from outwith the Borders have expressed an interest in using the region’s first crematorium which opened next to Waird’s Cemetery at Melrose on Tuesday. Adrian Britton, operations director of the Bristol-based Westerleigh Group, confirmed the company had been contacted by firms both within and outwith the Borders. He told us: “We’ve had enquiries from as far as south as Seahouses and many from Edinburgh, as well as across the length and breadth of the Borders, from Peebles and Langholm to the Berwickshire coast.”
The Southern Reporter | 18/12/2011
FUNERAL directors from as far away as Seahouses and Edinburgh have expressed an interest in using the Borders’ first crematorium, which opened next to Waird’s Cemetery at Melrose on Tuesday. Adrian Britton, operations director of the Bristol-based Westerleigh Group, confirmed the company had been contacted by firms both within and outwith the Borders. He said: “We’ve had enquiries from as far as south as Seahouses and many from Edinburgh, as well as across the length and breadth of the Borders, from Peebles and Langholm to the Berwickshire coast.”
The Berwick Advertiser | 17/12/2011
De afgelopen tijd is er hard gewerkt om de ontsluiting van Yarden begraafplaats en crematorium Beukenhof direct op de Burgemeester van Haarenlaan te realiseren. Op 20 december vond de opening van deze nieuwe ingang plaats. Vanaf dat moment is de ingang aan de Laan van Spieringshoek gesloten. Opening nieuwe entree Beukenhof De afgelopen tijd is er hard gewerkt om de ontsluiting van Beukenhof direct op de Burgemeester van Haarenlaan te realiseren.
Dichtbij | 17/12/2011
In nog geen zeventig werkdagen wisten ze de verbouwing te realiseren. Met zo min mogelijk overlast voor nabestaanden die afscheid namen van overledenen. Gisteren was het na negen maanden zo ver. Zoomstede, het crematorium van Stichting Crematoria en Begraafplaatsen Zoom- en Zegestede, heropende zijn compleet vernieuwde en gemoderniseerde crematorium in Bergen op Zoom.
BN de Stem | 17/12/2011
COUNCILLORS are set to decide whether solar panels that were installed on the roof of a crematorium without permission could become a permanent fixture. The 16 panels were put in place at Woodlands Crematorium by Scarborough Council before controversial Government plans to slash the subsidies for household solar electricity come into force. On Thursday the authority’s planning committee will agree whether to back the officer’s recommendation to keep them.
Scarborough Evening News | 12/12/2011
Funerals at a Staffordshire crematorium will soon be streamed on the internet. Stafford Borough Council, which runs the crematorium on Tixall Road, said webcams were being installed in the chapel, along with a new music system. It said mourners who were too ill or too far away to attend in person would be able to watch services by entering a Pin code.
BBC | 12/12/2011
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