11/2011 - Crematorium.eu News about crematoria in Europe - www.crematorium.eu informs about crematoria in Europe- Krematorium.eu- crematorio.eu, find a crematorium

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El Ayuntamiento de Estepona ha dado un paso más para la externalización del servicio municipal del cementerio. La concejala de Presidencia, Ana Velasco, anunció ayer que ya ha sido aprobado el expediente para la licitación de la gestión y explotación de los dos recintos que existen en el municipio, el de Santo Cristo de la Veracruz y el de La Lobilla. El Ayuntamiento ya dio luz verde en el último pleno a un reglamento que regulaba su uso. Ahora ha establecido en el pliego de condiciones que la empresa concesionaria del servicio deberá realizar diversas mejoras en estas dependencias por valor de 5,36 millones de euros.
Diario Sur | 28/11/2011
THE Primrose Hospice has launched it appeal for the Tree of Lights Campaign. The Tree of Lights enables relatives and friends to remember a loved one who is no longer with them by dedicating a light to them on a special tree. At the same time, they are asked to make a donation to the hospice, to enable the charity to continue to offer a wide range of clinical and support services to those living with cancer.
Redditch advertiser | 26/11/2011
A contract to build a new crematorium in Penha, Faro, has been awarded by Faro council to Servilusa, which claims to be the largest and most modern funerary company in the country. The council made the decision to award the project to Servilusa last week on Wednesday. It was made based on the proposal that the company submitted in public tender, which was described as “the most advantageous.”
The Portugal News Online | 26/11/2011
De Larense gemeenteraad is verrast dat Gedeputeerde Staten Noord-Holland Crailo bij de A1 in beeld hebben als vestigingsplaats voor een Goois crematorium. Hoewel de Larense gemeenteraad gaat over haar grondgebied, kan het provinciebestuur vanwege het regionale belang zo’n besluit desnoods doordrukken. Leo Janssen van coalitiepartij Larens Behoud onderstreepte nog eens dat het altijd de bedoeling is geweest om dit deel van Crailo (nu nog asielzoekerscentrum) terug te geven aan de natuur.
Gooi en Eemlander | 25/11/2011
Voilà un mode de funérailles qui concerne aujourd’hui 30 % des décès (plus de 50 % dans plusieurs métropoles). On compte déjà 150 crématoriums en France. Aussi nombreux que nous, nos voisins d’outre-Manche ne disposent, eux, que de 260 crématoriums pour un taux de crémation de 74 %. Ici, deux tiers des crématoriums sont délégués et certains établissements, qui ont dû attendre plus de dix ans avant d’atteindre leur équilibre, voient soudain leur activité divisée par deux avec l’installation d’un établissement à proximité. Pourquoi ? Deux visions se dessinent aujourd’hui, que les gestionnaires soient publics ou privés.
La Gazette | 25/11/2011
El Ayuntamiento de Cheste ha aprobado en el pleno ordinario el pliego de condiciones para la concesión del derecho de superficie en la parcela de Pino Blay para la construcción y explotación del tanatorio municipal. Según ha informado el consistorio en un comunicado, las negociaciones llevadas a cabo hasta el momento no han dado con la empresa que se haga cargo de esta obra por su elevado coste, al tratarse de un tanatorio-crematorio.
Diario critico de la comunitat Valencia | 25/11/2011
Wethouder Wim van der Zwaan maakte woensdagavond tijdens de gemeenteraadsvergadering in het onderdeel 'mededelingen uit het college' melding van de wens van de provincie op het Larense deel van Crailoo een crematorium te vestigen. Het zorgde meteen voor opwinding in de raad.
´t Gooi Dichtbij | 24/11/2011
Plans for a £750,000 makeover of a 50-year-old crematorium in west Essex have been submitted for approval. The upgrade at Parndon Wood Cemetery and Crematorium in Harlow would be its most significant since opening in 1961. Work would include refurbishment of the chapel, including a new entrance hall, a larger car park, and landscaping of its grounds.
| 24/11/2011
A £650,000 filter system is being installed at a crematorium to stop potentially harmful fumes entering the atmosphere. The government has ordered all crematoria to halve the amount of harmful gases given off by cremations before 2013 — but Overdale Crematorium in Overdale Drive, Heaton, is going one better. Bosses at the crematorium have asked Bolton Council for permission to install the new system which stops mercury — from dental fillings for example — and acid going into the atmosphere. Exposure to high levels of mercury can damage the brain, nervous system and harm fertility.
This is Lancashire | 23/11/2011
SUPER-sized ovens will be installed at Pleasington Crem-atorium to cope with the growing number of overweight bodies in a £1million project. Town hall officers said the action was being taken after crematorium staff reported an increase in coffins too large and heavy to fit inside the existing burners. The new development will incorporate technology to reduce the amount of deadly mercury pumped out into the atmosphere when teeth fillings are incinerated.
Lancashire Telegraph | 23/11/2011
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