02/2011 - Crematorium.eu News about crematoria in Europe - www.crematorium.eu informs about crematoria in Europe- Krematorium.eu- crematorio.eu, find a crematorium

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Omwonenden in de wijk Hollesteeg in Boxmeer zijn niet blij met de komst van een crematorium in de wijk. Dat is de voorlopige uitslag van een enquête op initiatief van de SP Boxmeer in de wijk. Edson Manuel (SP): De formulieren zijn nog niet allemaal binnen maar er een duidelijk wordt het nu al.
ADEL | 2/2/2011
Ultimati i collaudi imposti dalla legge, il forno crematorio di del cimitero di San Michele da Cagliari e' di nuovo attivo. L'impianto, chiuso alla fine del 2009 perche' ormai obsoleto e fuori norma, e' stato smantellato e ricostruito dalla ditta Gem Matthews International Srl di Udine, con una spesa totale di 426.000.00 euro. Un lavoro eseguito in appena otto mesi, che l'Assessorato comunale alla Pianificazione dei Servizi ha coordinato e seguito.
Libero News | 2/2/2011
A council is spending £250,000 on a super-sized incinerator because of a growing number of obese corpses. Staff at Stafford Borough Council have been forced to turn away dozens of dead bodies for cremation - because they were too fat to fit through the furnace doors. An increasing number of funeral directors have had to arrange services outside the area because the 'cremators' are not big enough for the massive coffins to fit in.
Daily Mail Online | 2/2/2011
NEW DELHI: If not for the head priest at Dakshinpuri crematorium, the police may never have came to know that 27-year-old Sanjit Singh was murdered. Just when Singh's body was about to be put in an electric furnace at the crematorium, head priest Deepak Sharma noticed strangulations marks around his neck. He got suspicious and called up police.
Times of India | 2/2/2011
A "ghoulish" proposal to use heat from cremations at a Cardiff crematorium to help warm its chapels is backed by many bereaved families, says the council. Cardiff council is looking into using emissions produced during cremations at Thornhill Crematorium to heat the building.
BBC | 2/2/2011
Die geplante und genehmigte Feuerbestattungsanlage im Kissinger Nordwesten stößt in der Bevölkerung nach wie vor auf großen Widerstand. Wie groß dieser sein wird, dürfte sich am Donnerstag zeigen. Die Bürgerinitiative „Kissinger sagen Nein“ hat für Donnerstag, 3. Februar, um 19.15 Uhr zu einer genehmigten Demonstration vor das Kissinger Rathaus (Pestalozzistraße) aufgerufen. Dort steht das Thema zwar nicht auf der Tagesordnung, betroffene Kissingerinnen und Kissinger aber wollen zeigen, dass sie sich vom Gemeinderat nicht repräsentiert fühlen.
Stuttgarter Allgemeine | 1/2/2011
El candidato a la alcaldía por el PSA+PA Santiago Casal, ha mantenido recientemente un encuentro con representantes de la Coordinadora Vecinal contra la construcción del crematorio, conformada por la Asociaciones Vecinal de la Bda. La Pita, El Pinar, La Marquesa, El Pimiento, La Milagrosa y la Federación de AA.VV. Solidaridad. Los vecinos han trasladado a los andalucistas su malestar, tras el anuncio del Gobierno Municipal de construir un horno crematorio en las instalaciones del Cementerio Municipal.
Red Periodistas | 1/2/2011
El crematorio y la sala de autopsias de la capital turolense abrirá sus puertas el lunes 7 de febrero. La apertura estaba prevista para finales de 2010, pero diversos trámites burocráticos lo han retrasado. Ahora, los turolenses ya no tendrán que acudir a Zaragoza o Valencia para incinerar a sus difuntos.
Europa press | 1/2/2011
Adrian Roger Leach, 39, will spend the next four months in prison followed by a year of weekend jail. He was sentenced in the ACT Supreme Court today. Leach stabbed his mother and stepfather with a paring knife in the car park of a Mitchell crematorium in May 2008.
Canbarra Times | 1/2/2011
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