01/2011 - Crematorium.eu News about crematoria in Europe - www.crematorium.eu informs about crematoria in Europe- Krematorium.eu- crematorio.eu, find a crematorium

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Mourners can expect an environmentally-friendly and ‘visually sympathetic’ facility, say developers Developers behind what is poised to be Aberdeenshire’s first crematorium have revealed their green vision for the multimillion-pound centre. Edinburgh-based architect David Gauld is steering the project earmarked for Crimond, near Fraserburgh, and said mourners can expect an environmentally-friendly facility that is “visually sympathetic” to the local landscape.
Press and Journal | 20/1/2011
Shrewsbury Town Council wants to take over the running of the Emstrey Crematorium amid fears it will be sold off by Shropshire Council in a multi-million pound deal. Bosses of the unitary authority said last year they were considering off-loading the site and the town’s cemetery in a bid to find ways of saving £65 million over the next three years. It came after it was revealed a bill of up to £1.5m would be due to replace crematorium equipment to cut mercury emissions caused by dental fillings, on top of an expected bill of about £600,000 for building works.
Shropshire Star | 20/1/2011
"Bestattung Wien heizt neue Zentrale mit Leichen", titelt die Kronen-Zeitung. Keine Frage, dass das für Unmut in der Bevölkerung sorgt. Eine Straßenbefragung eines Radiosenders ergab, dass viele Befragte die Nutzung von Kremationsenergie "pietätlos" oder gar "eklig" empfinden. Dabei ist die Nutzung der Energie aus dem Krematorium nach Expertenmeinung nicht nur ethisch vertretbar, sondern auch umweltfreundlich.
ADEL | 20/1/2011
A BIGGER furnace is being built at Stafford Crematorium - following an increase in overweight dead people. Stafford Borough Council's three "cremators" are being replaced as part of a national drive to reduce mercury emissions from crematoriums. One of the two new machines will be a larger cremator - capable of holding bigger coffins.
Staffordshire Newsletter | 18/1/2011
La mayor funeraria de Viena, la municipal Bestattung Wien, ha levantado una fuerte polémica en Austria por la idea de utilizar el calor de un crematorio en el que se incineran a los fallecidos para calentar sus futuras oficinas. "Vamos a utilizar el calor del crematorio", explicó a la prensa austríaca el portavoz de la empresa, Jürgen Sild, que elogió el ahorro y el respeto al medio ambiente de la idea que se prevé aplicar en la nueva sede de la funeraria, que está en construcción y se espera que se inaugure en 2012.
ABC | 17/1/2011
Feedback gathered at consultation event will help to shape planning permission application A second set of plans for a crematorium in Aberdeenshire have gone on public display. The multimillion-pound centre is earmarked for a 14-acre plot of land between Longside and Stuartfield, near Mintlaw.
Press and Journal | 17/1/2011
MOURNING families in the North East could be forced to shell out more to say goodbye to their loved ones. From January 2013, the Government has asked all local authorities to reduce emissions of crematoria mercury from crematoriums by 50%. But not all crematoriums in the region will be able to meet this criteria and as a result families could see an extra fee added to charges at some crematoriums.
Chronicle | 17/1/2011
De Stedelijke begrafenisonderneming in de Oostenrijkse hoofdstad Wenen gaat haar crematorium gebruiken om het nieuwe hoofdkantoor te verwarmen. Dat werd vrijdag bekendgemaakt. Voor crematie moeten zeer hoge temperaturen worden bereikt en het idee is, in tijden van milieubewustzijn, om de overtollige energie nuttig te gebruiken, zegt Jörgen Sild van Bestattung Wien.
| 17/1/2011
Lautlos gleitet der helle Holzsarg in den roten Schlund. Kaum ist er in der 90 Zentimeter hohen Brennkammer angekommen, da fängt er auch schon Feuer. Es knistert. Eine Hitzewelle strömt Krematoriums-Leiter Dieter Qualmann aus dem Ofen entgegen. Dann schließt sich der schwarze Ofenschieber wieder. Qualmann schaut auf einen Bildschirm. "744 Grad", steht auf der Anzeige. "Eine ideale Temperatur für die Hauptbrennkammer kurz nach der Beschickung", sagt der 61-Jährige. Bis zu 1000 Grad können die Temperaturen beider Öfen kurzzeitig erreichen.
SVZ | 17/1/2011
Plans to run a more “commercial” operation at Cambridge crematorium, which could include the introduction of futuristic technologies, were approved yesterday. A business plan calls for income from the sale of memorials to be increased and possible opening of a flower shop, café, and service for pets. A “watching brief” will now be maintained over new methods of disposing of bodies, including freeze-drying and dissolving.
Cambridge news | 17/1/2011
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