Redditch Crematorium
Redditch Crematorium
Bordesley Lane
Redditch B97 6RR
Tel: 01527 62174
Fax: 01527 597539
12-05-2011 Birmingham Post
Redditch plan to use crematorium heat at swimming pool wins award
Redditch Borough Council’s plan to re-use waste heat from Redditch Crematorium to supply the Abbey Stadium and its new swimming pool has won a major environmental award.
The Crematorium Energy Recovery Project, agreed by councillors in February following positive local feedback and after huge publicity around the world, competed against more than 100 other innovations at the Green Apple Awards, the national scheme is to find Britain’s greenest companies and organisations.
Council representatives will be presented with their Green Apple Award by Trevor Baylis, OBE, inventor of the wind-up radio, at a presentation ceremony at the University of Westminster in London in June.
The category of award the project has won will be revealed at the ceremony.
Crematorium Energy Recovery Project will also be published in the Green Book, an international work of reference on environmental best practice which is used worldwide.
It will also be considered as a UK representative in the European Business Awards for the Environment.
Ceridwen John, the council’s climate change manager said: “We are absolutely delighted to have won this award, which is not only for us but also for the community of Redditch as a whole.
"It was local residents’ widespread support for our proposal back in January and public responses made, which helped drive forward the council’s decision to proceed with the scheme.
“We really hope that what we are doing in Redditch will be taken up by others, and so help reduce global reliance on fossil-fuels and bring down carbon emissions in a big way.”
Work on the project, to connect the crematorium and leisure centre by an insulated pipe and heat exchangers, is expected to be completed in spring 2012.
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